• Working Hours - Mon - Thu: 8:00 - 17:00; Fri: 8:00 - 14:00
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The International Research Center of Excellence (IRCE) at the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) was established in 2015 to create an enabling environment to facilitate research activities that bridge international and Nigerian researchers. IRCE is fostering providing a common world class platform for the implementation of research and clinical trials at international standards.

IRCE seeking a skilled and qualified candidate for the following position;

Job title Statistician
Location Abuja
Department International Research Center of Excellence
Type of Employment Adhoc- Senior Program Officer

Opening Date: 23rd February, 2021.

Closing Date: 9th March, 2021.

Job Purpose

The ideal candidate will analyse IRCE datasets and contribute to the statistical analyses sections of scientific manuscripts. S/he should be able to deliver oral presentations to various audiences, to produce a variety of written communications products in a clear, concise style. The Statistician also ensures that project outputs maintain high-quality standards and that reports are clear, objective and based on comprehensive data.

S/he will ensure that all output produced meets required standards and complies with the relevant mandates while demonstrating professional competence, and mastery of data analysis concepts and methodologies.

The ideal candidate should be self-motivated, professional, conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; be capable of managing the work load and prioritizing tasks in a fast-paced research-focused environment.

The statistician will lead the data management unit at IRCE.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of the Statistician include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Data analyses for scientific manuscripts
  • Developing statistical analysis plans for grant submissions and new research projects including sample size and power calculations
  • Database development, review and maintenance
  • Statistical computing and modeling, interpretation and discussion of results with research teams.
  • Audit data quality of ongoing IRCE research projects, creation of publication-ready graphs and tables, documentation of data and analyses, interpretation of data.
  • Work with research team to draft the methods and results sections of peer-reviewed papers and reports.
  • Provide guidance on statistical considerations in IRCE’s ongoing research activities.
  • Keep abreast of new data analyses tools, statistical methodologies and software upgrades.
  • Participate in the preparation of statistical outputs and graphs for IRCE’s scientific manuscripts, publications and press releases.
  • Provide training to IRCE staff and collaborators on statistical methods and data analysis.
  • Provide supervision for IRCE Data managers, analysts and associates.
  • Serve as a member of the IRCE data repository and contribute to the initiative to archive data at IRCE.
  • Other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Director and IRCE Coordinator

Experience and Skills

  • Experience in the use of R statistical package is an added advantage.
  • Ability to work well as part of a team.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Advanced Microsoft Office/Excel/Power-point skills.
  • Good budgeting and report writing skills.
  • Strong organizational, and report writing skills
  • Strong organizational, and problem-solving skills with impeccable multi-tasking abilities
  • Good interpersonal skills

Educational qualifications

  • Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in statistics, mathematics, bioinformatics, health informatics or a related field is required.
  • A first level university degree in the relevant area in addition to 3-5 years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English, as well as very good inter-personal skills.
  • A minimum of 2-5 years’ work experience in data cleaning, compilation, computation and analysis.
  • Ability to carry out sample size and power calculations, contribute to the data analysis sections of grant proposal applications and develop a clear statistical analysis plan for grant submissions.
  • Expertise in creation of databases and use of data management software such as REDCap.
  • Expertise and proven proficiency in statistical (eg STATA, SAS, SPSS, and/or R) and Microsoft packages (particularly Excel and Access)
  • Experience in developing and implementing statistical methodologies is desirable.
  • Proven ability to work on multiple projects and balance time-sensitive deliverables is required.
  • Ability to generate data tables, charts, graphs will be a key requirement.

 Working Conditions

The successful applicant will be hired on an initial 6 months trial period which can be terminated if performance and fit for job is deemed unsatisfactory. If 6 months trial period is satisfactory, successful applicant will be retained on contract, renewable every 12 months.


The Statistician reports directly to the IRCE coordinator and the IRCE Executive Director.

For more information, go to www.ihvn-irce.org

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to Deputy Director, Human Resources through this email address: careers@ihvnigeria.org

Application must explicitly state the position applied for in the subject of the email. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with email addresses and phone numbers. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Research Data Manager

The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable non-governmental organization addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer. IHVN provides prevention, diagnosis, treatment, capacity building, research, and care and support services. IHVN is in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the government of Nigeria at national, state and local levels. The Institute’s vision is to be a leader in providing quality health services, capacity building and research in West Africa and beyond.

IHVN is seeking a qualified candidate for this position:

Research Data Manager 

Opening Date:  19/02/2020
Closing Date: 02/03/2020
Location: International Research Center of Excellence
Location: Abuja

Type of Employment: Adhoc – Program Assistant

Job purpose:

The Research Data Manager will be responsible for the coordination of study data collection and collation, research database management and data analysis and reporting. The Data Manager will work to provide comprehensive and high quality research data management services. He/She will work with the Data Curation Committee to ensure an effective archiving of data for long term preservation, and maximizing deposit of data in the data repository.

Duties and responsibilities

The duties of the Data Manager include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Design research database platforms for relevant new studies at IRCE and manage the study databases of existing studies.
  • Work as part of the IRCE research team contributing to the data management plans of grant applications.
  • Ensure incoming data from study sites is collected and entered into study database in a timely manner.
  • Perform routine data quality checks, data gap analyses, and regular data backup.
  • Prepare scheduled and adhoc data reports as requested by the Principal Investigator.
  • Work to provide interventions for researchers on specific projects while supporting the creation of data management plans, adhering to funding body requirements and promoting the deposit of data in the IRCE data repository.
  • Attend training sessions and study meetings as required.
  • Train research staff on proper use of data collection tools and data analyses methods.
  • Research database management.
  • Quantitative and Qualitative data coding and analysis.
  • Archiving and storage of all data files.
  • Keep up-to-date with developments in research data management, establish future requirements and make recommendations to improve and develop the data services offered by IRCE.
  • Any other duties as directed by the Head of the Data Management Unit or the IRCE Coordinator

Experience and Skills.

  • Able to maintain good interpersonal relationships and communication skills. Ability to integrate into the team and manage interpersonal conflict and personality differences is important.
  • An analytical mindset with problem-solving skills.
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to absorb new tasks as they arise and are assigned.
  • Previous participation in research studies is an advantage.

Educational Qualifications

  • Bachelors or Masters’ degree in statistics, epidemiology, bioinformatics or public health information management or related fields.
  • Two years’ experience in data management in programming and/or research projects.
  • Proven proficiency in statistical (eg STATA, SAS, SPSS, and/or R) and Microsoft packages (particularly Excel and Access).
  • Ability to generate data tables, charts, graphs will be a key requirement

Working Conditions

  • The successful applicant will be hired on an initial 6 months trial period which can be terminated if performance and fit for job is deemed unsatisfactory. If 6 months trial period is satisfactory, successful applicant will be retained on contract, renewable every 12 months.


Data Manager reports directly to the Principal Investigator to which he or she is assigned and to the Head of the Data Management Unit at IRCE.

For more information, go to www.ihvn-irce.org

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to Deputy Director, Human Resources through this email address: careers@ihvnigeria.org

Application must explicitly state the position applied for in the subject of the email. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with email addresses and phone numbers. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Research Data Manager

The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable non-governmental organization addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer. IHVN provides prevention, diagnosis, treatment, capacity building, research, and care and support services. IHVN is in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the government of Nigeria at national, state and local levels. The Institute’s vision is to be a leader in providing quality health services, capacity building and research in West Africa and beyond.

IHVN through its International Research Center of Excellence (IRCE) is conducting the Caregiver Peer Support (CaPS) research study, funded by Collaborative Initiative for Pediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER).  This study is to test the impact of structured caregiver peer support to improve adherence and promote achievement of viral suppression among unsuppressed children (0-10 years) living with HIV in Nigeria. To implement this study, IHVN is seeking for qualified candidates for the following position:

Research Data Manager 

Opening Date:             11th January, 2021.
Closing Date:  25th January, 2021.
Location: Abuja

Job purpose:

The Research Data Manager will be responsible for the coordination of study data collection and collation, CaPS research database management and study data analysis and reporting.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of the Data Manager include:

  • Adapting and designing study data collection tools.
  • Deploying and distributing study data tools.
  • Designing of a research database platform which is relevant to the study and captures all indicators and outcome measures.
  • Ensuring that incoming data from study sites is collected and entered into study database in a timely manner.
  • Performing routine data quality checks, data gap analyses, and data backup.
  • Preparing scheduled and ad hoc data reports as requested by the Principal Investigator.
  • Attending training sessions and study meetings as required.
  • Training research staff on proper use of data collection tools.
  • Carrying out research database management.
  • Handling qualitative data coding and analysis.
  • Archiving and storing of all study data files.
  • Any other duties as directed by the Principal Investigator.

Experience and Skills

  • Mature interpersonal and communication skills; ability to integrate into the team and maturely manage interpersonal conflict and personality differences is important.
  • An analytical mindset with problem-solving skills.
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to absorb new tasks as they arise and are assigned.
  • Participation in research study or any HIV intervention supported by PEPFAR or other related donors is an advantage.

Educational Qualifications

  • Bachelors’ or Masters’ degree in statistics, epidemiology, public health information management or related fields.
  • Two years’ experience in data management in HIV programming and/or research project.
  • Proven proficiency in statistical (eg STATA, SAS, SPSS, and/or R) and Microsoft packages (particularly Excel and Access).
  • Ability to generate data tables, charts, graphs will be a key requirement.

Working Conditions

Original project period for the CaPS study is for two years (December 2019 to November 2021) with planned extension of timeline due to COVID-19 delays.

  • The successful applicant will be hired on an initial six month trial period which can be terminated if performance is deemed unsatisfactory.
  • If six month trial period is satisfactory, successful applicant will be retained on contract, renewable every 6 months for the duration of the study and while funding is available.
  • Must be a resident in the state of work, ie Federal Capital Territory/Abuja.


Data manager reports directly to the Principal Investigator.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to Deputy Director, Human Resources through this email address: careers@ihvnigeria.org

Application must explicitly state the position applied for in the subject of the email. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with email addresses and phone numbers. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

For more information about the (CaPS) study, go to,

The International Research Center of Excellence (IRCE), Institute of Human Virology Nigeria       www.ihvn-irce.org

CIPHER Grant page for CaPS Study: https://www.iasociety.org/HIV-Programmes/Programmes/Paediatrics-CIPHER/CIPHER-Grant-Programme/Grantees-Jasper

ClinicalTrials.gov site for the CaPS study https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04222270

State TB Technical Advisors

The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable non-governmental organization addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer through the provision of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, capacity building, research, and care and support services. IHVN is in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the government of Nigeria at national, state and local levels. The vision of the Institute is to be a leader in providing quality health services, capacity building and research in West Africa and beyond.

To provide technical and strategic support to State TB Control Programs, support scale-up and strengthening of TB surveillance activities, data management and use, as well as improved quality of service delivery in IHVN supported States.

IHVN is sourcing for suitably qualified young and dynamic Public Health Professionals to fill the position of State TB Technical Advisor for the USAID Tuberculosis Local Organization Network Region 3 (TB-LON 3) Project.

Job Title: State TB Technical Advisors

Duration: 2 years Contract
Department: Office of the CEO
Job Location: Lagos, Ogun, Osun and Oyo

Opening Date: 11th January 2021
Closing Date:  25th January 2021


The State TB Technical Advisors will support NTBLCP/STBLCPs and IHVN in deploying innovative strategies to find the missing TB cases, address issues related to quality of care, improved TB surveillance activities, data management and use, program management, as well as dissemination of lessons learnt and success stories.

As a State TB Technical Advisor, s/he will:

  • Support STBLCPs in facilitating the development of annual work plans and reports, as well as the conduct of quarterly technical and partners review meetings to enhance program performance, maximize available resources and prevent duplication of activities
  • Provide technical assistance to scale-up innovative interventions that will drive up TB case finding at facility and community levels, in both public and private health sectors
  • Facilitate the notification of all diagnosed TB cases from all health facilities, both DOTS and non-DOTS in the public and private sector into the NTBLCP systems
  • Ensure the engagement of non-NTBLCP entities such as SPHCDA, State & LGA DSNOs and umbrella bodies of the Private Health Providers in TB surveillance, including integration of TB reporting in existing surveillance systems
  • Ensure the dissemination of Policy and operational documents from NTBLCP to field workers, with continuous hands-on mentoring to ensure their use
  • Support the documentation and dissemination of lessons learnt on the Project as well as in the State TB program, and develop periodic updates of Action Plans to mitigate against the effect of catastrophic events such as the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Facilitate weekly/monthly Project/State TB Cascade and performance reviews, deep dive into granular data and gap analysis using a hands-on approach, and also establish a feedback mechanism to support decision making (including the development of LGA score-cards), creating linkages for strengthened oversight form NTBLCP
  • Support NTBLCP and STBLCPs in preparations for and implementation of Zonal and Annual review meetings
  • Provide TA for quarterly data collation, harmonization and validation meetings at the LGA and State levels and also ensure complete reporting from the community
  • Document and share experiences from TB-LON 3 intervention with the STBLCP and NTBLCP in order to improve performance across board
  • Provide direct capacity building on technical areas, M&E, leadership and project management for low-performing LGAs, new State program managers and LON Project staff

Minimum Requirements:

  • First degree in Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Public Health, Epidemiology and Health program planning and management
  • Master’s or higher degree in Public Health and Community Medicine preferred
  • At least five years of professional experience in TB operational plan development and planning, program management and implementation in Lagos, Oyo, Ogun and Osun States
  • Practical experience in developing and managing partnerships, including brokering public-private partnerships
  • Proven experience in leadership, capacity building, planning and management
  • Demonstrable experience in successful implementation of USAID or other donor-funded programs designed to strengthen the health sector at national and/or sub-national government levels
  • Experience in working with key stakeholders in Nigeria, particularly in the South West States

Skills and Abilities:

  • Strong coordination, planning, and supervisory skills
  • Strong networking and representational skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English as well as presentation skills, with proven experience in analyzing data and developing PowerPoint presentations and other reports
  • Competent with operational plan development, implementation and evaluation of results
  • Comfortable planning and delivering multiple activities under pressure to strict deadlines and high levels of precision.
  • Self-motivated with a strong ability to identify and develop relevant areas of work
  • Able to communicate complex issues in a concise, accessible and engaging manner.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to Deputy Director, Human Resources through this email address: careers@ihvnigeria.org

Application must explicitly state the position applied for in the subject of the email. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with email addresses and phone numbers. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Senior Specialist, Health Financing and Governance

The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable non-governmental organization addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer through the provision of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, capacity building, research, and care and support services. IHVN is in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the government of Nigeria at national, state and local levels. The Institute’s vision is to be a leader in providing quality health services, capacity building and research in West Africa and beyond.

IHVN is the Prime Recipient of the USAID TB-LON 3 Award, which is a five-year project (2020-2025) that will complement and accelerate the ongoing TB program activities being implemented by the Government and other partners. The specific Goal of this Award is to innovatively engage all stakeholders in finding the missing TB cases and rapidly scale up TB services, whilst strengthening resilient and sustainable systems for TB control.

IHVN is sourcing for a suitably qualified, young and dynamic Professional to fill the position of Senior Specialist, Health Financing and Governance for the USAID Tuberculosis Local Organization Network Region 3 (TB-LON 3) Project. S/He will support the effective mobilization of domestic resources for sustainable financing of TB services in IHVN supported States (Lagos, Ogun, Osun and Oyo).

Job Title: Senior Specialist, Health Financing and Governance
Duration: 2 years Contract
Department: Office of the CEO
Job Location: Lagos
Reports to: Chief of Party TB-LON 3

Opening Date: 24th November 2020
Closing Date:   11th December 2020


The Senior Specialist, Health Financing and Governance will provide support in the areas of public and private sector domestic resource mobilization to IHVN TB-LON 3 States.

S/he will support the design and implementation of approaches to leverage domestic financing for health as well as promote the effective and efficient management of resources to ensure sustained uptake of services. Designing new concepts and strategically engaging with Governments Implementing Entities and the Private Sector towards achieving universal health coverage is an inherent part of this role. This role requires a combination of exceptional analytical skills, including quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis as well the ability to effectively synthesize and visualize findings, and translate messages for various audiences.

As Senior Specialist Health Financing and Governance, S/he will:

  • Review and contribute to the development of annual Project Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) plans;
  • Work closely with Implementing/Contractual Entities and USAID DRM Team to ensure the achievement of project DRM objectives, including advocacy for increased National/State/LGA budgetary provision and budget tracking for TB, inclusion of TB in National and State Social Health Insurance Schemes as well as documentation and dissemination of lessons learnt.
  • Support the development of an investment case for TB Financing tailored to Lagos, Ogun, Oyo and Osun States to resonate with Ministries of Finance and other target Agencies;
  • Collaborate with Implementing/Contractual Entities to support Ministries of health on budget planning & preparation, budget advocacy, and the development of national health financing strategies, including domestic resource mobilization;
  • Support the implementation of Private Sector DRM activities including reviewing and modify strategies to meet Project Objectives;
  • Provide technical assistance to national and State TB Programs in the development and costing of Strategic and Operational Plans;
  • Undertake field mentoring and monitoring visits to States and the private Sector;
  • Ensure timely completion of all Project DRM deliverables in line with USAID policies and guidelines;
  • Support in the production of high-quality written reports and presentations, including technical documents, project status reports, and policy briefs.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Master’s degree in Health Economics, Economics, Public Health with a Health Financing focus or MBA;
  • At least 10 years of relevant work experience in Health Financing;
  • Experience working with Ministries of Health and Finance, Donors, Private sector and Implementing Agencies;
  • Established track record of carrying out analytical work and preparing high-quality technical reports, policy briefs and presentations;
  • Experience working with key stakeholders in Nigeria, particularly in Lagos, Oyo, Osun and Ogun States;
  • Demonstrable experience in successful implementation of USAID or other donor-funded programs designed to mobilize domestic resource for health and increase financing for TB at national and/or sub-national government levels

Skills and Abilities:

  • Strong coordination, planning, and supervisory, networking and representational skills;
  • Strong communication skills to knowledgably and effectively interact with key actors;
  • Excellent oral and written English as well as presentation skills, with proven experience in analyzing data and developing PowerPoint presentations and other reports.
  • Competent with strategic and operational plan development, project implementation and evaluation of results;
  • Comfortable planning and delivering multiple activities under pressure, with high levels of precision and within strict timelines;
  • Self-motivated with a strong ability to identify and develop relevant areas of work;
  • Able to communicate complex issues in a concise, accessible and engaging manner.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to Deputy Director, Human Resources through this email address: careers@ihvnigeria.org

Application must explicitly state the position applied for in the subject of the email. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with email addresses and phone numbers. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.